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Law podcasts are an excellent way for attorneys to keep up with the latest legal trends and learn about the best practices of their firms. They’re also a convenient way for busy professionals to consume content. Students interested in learning more about case law and historical precedents should consider listening to free legal podcasts. To help you find the best legal podcasts, here is a  collected list of the top ones.

Legally Speaking Podcast

The Legally Speaking Podcast features interviews with some of the most innovative and exciting individuals in the UK and worldwide. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest legal trends and learn about your firm’s best practices. Aside from discussing the latest legal issues, the show also tackles other topics, such as mental health and diversity.

Lawyer 2 Lawyer

Today, numerous news sources are available to us, and it’s essential to consider different perspectives. With that in mind, Lawyer 2 Lawyer host J. Craig Williams provides a balanced view of current events.

Thinking Like a Lawyer

The Thinking Like a Lawyer podcast from Above the Law features lawyers talking about the latest legal trends and relevant topics. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest legal issues and learn about your firm’s best practices.

Daily Matters Podcast

Due to the global crisis and changes in the legal industry, Jack Newton, the CEO of Clio, aims to help law firms find their way back to a more regular place in Daily Matters. He talks about how lawyers can adapt to the new environment and how they can best serve their clients.

Matters, Season 2

In this episode, Jack talks about the future of law and how lawyers must change how they work. He also talks about law firms’ various steps to make their practice more client-centric.

Maximum Lawyer

The Maximum Lawyer is a podcast hosted by Tyson Mutrux and Jim Hacking, two marketing-savvy individuals from St. Louis. It discusses small and solo attorneys’ challenges regarding practice management and lead generation.

Legal Toolkit

As busy professionals, lawyers must have reliable information about the best practices of their firms. The Legal Toolkit is a central hub that keeps up with the latest developments in practice management. It features discussions about programs, services, and ideas from lawyers ahead of the curve.

New Solo

With the flexibility of running their businesses, many legal professionals choose to become solo lawyers. This allows them to focus on their core business and avoid the many challenges of running a small practice. On the New Solo podcast hosted by Adriana Linares, she talks about the various aspects of becoming a solo attorney.

The LAWsome Podcast

The LAWsome podcast series aims to provide lawyers with valuable information and advice on important topics. It also features discussions about the latest developments in digital marketing and law firm development. Besides being informative, the series is also entertaining and educational.